Sunday, November 2, 2008

David Cook ROCKS Saturday Night Live

David Cook and his band ROCKED on Saturday Night Live. EW's Popwatch blog is full of kudos for Cook & Co. - a lot of surprised comments from people who couldn't believe that an American Idol winner could actually do rock, and do it successfully on the very tough stage at SNL.

Here is the video of David Cook and band singing "Light On" on Saturday Night Live:

David Cook's second song was "Declaration" here is the video:

And finally, here is a video about Obama with David Cook singing "Time of My Life" in the background. How good does it get? By the way, "Time of My Life" just needs another 30,000 or so downloads to go platinum at 1,000,000. There is a very interesting story behind the song, once you know the story you understand why David embraced it so completely.

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