Friday, September 19, 2008

Michigan polls says race is close, point spread varies

From the Detroit News:

"Democrat Barack Obama leads Republican John McCain, 43 to 42 percent, according to the survey released exclusively to The Detroit News, WXYZ-Action News, and outstate stations WILK, WOOD and WJRT.

Third-party candidates Bob Barr and Ralph Nader each receive 2 percent, and another 11 percent is undecided. When voters are asked to choose between the complete tickets, including running mates Joe Biden for Obama and Sarah Palin for McCain -- the Democrats lead, 45 to 42 percent. (The survey of 602 likely Michigan voters, conducted among likely voters Sunday through Wednesday, has an error margin of 4 percentage points.)

Overall,, a Website that averages election polls, shows Obama leading Michigan by about 4 points -- still well within the margin of error in most surveys."

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