Friday, September 19, 2008

Obama: I'm much less interested at this point in scoring political points than I am making sure that we have a structure in place that is sound

Google News posts a link to the LA Times with this leader: CORAL GABLES, Fla. -- Sen. Barack Obama today met with some of his many economic advisors and made an announcement that he was not going to make an announcement about any new plan to plan plans.

The actual text of Obama's remarks from Coral Gables are posted in the Washington Post.

Some of the salient points of his remarks:

John McCain and I can continue to argue about our different economic agendas for next year, but we should come together now to work on what this country urgently needs this year.

We did not arrive at this crisis by some accident in history. What led us to this point was years and years of a philosophy in Washington and on Wall Street that viewed even common-sense regulation and oversight as unwise and unnecessary, that shredded consumer protections and loosened the rules of the road. CEOs and executives got reckless, lobbyists got what they wanted, and politicians in both parties looked the other way until it was too late. It is now the American people who've paid the price. The events of this week I believe have rendered a final verdict on that failed philosophy and it will end if I am president of the United States.

I took a look at what Senator McCain had offered. And essentially it's about as detailed as the one paragraph that he had offered yesterday and that I had talked about yesterday ... what is absolutely clear is that you don't put together something like that on the cuff. You don't do it in a day. We've got to do it in an intelligent, systematic, thoughtful fashion. And, you know, I'm much less interested at this point in scoring political points than I am making sure that we have a structure in place that is sound and is actually going to work.

UPDATE: The Washington Post's analysis of Obama's comments: "On Economy, Obama Offers Ideas, McCain Blames Rival"

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