Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Unbelievable Palin

There is no comment necessary to this unbelievably stupid video.


Anonymous said...

Here's a comment: she answered it correctly. What's the big deal.

Ann said...

NO - she didn't answer it correctly. The vice-president's only role in the Senate is to preside on ceremonial occasions and VOTE ONLY IN THE CASE OF A TIE. It is NOT in any way to SET POLICY in the Senate. This is BASIC CIVICS. In PA we learn it in 4th grade. Maybe they don't teach civics in Alaska.

Anonymous said...

You are joking...right? You must not have anything better to do in life.

Ann said...

Hey - you don't like what I have to say, watch Chris Matthews' Hardball on MSNBC. Nancy Pfotenhauer did a good job trying to defend Sarah Palin, but bottom line is: There is NO WAY the vice-president is IN CHARGE of the Senate the way Palin said. Dick Cheney has totally screwed this country over with his power-grabbing perspective on the vice-presidency - we don't need another power-abusing, power-hungry VP.

bwdb said...

...And these are the type of comments some folks leave when the proof has been presented in black & white...

Anonymous said...
"You are joking...right? You must not have anything better to do in life."

Anonymous said...

The current state of our country seems to be a "paint your own reality". This element seems to be more prolific amongst conservatives. If you don't like reality, just make a statement to better suit your agenda, repeat it many times, and it becomes "real". If you don't like reality, ignore it and it will go away, or just flat out deny what is real. It is extremely disturbing.

Ann said...

Therese Cyd said...
The current state of our country seems to be a "paint your own reality".

The worst part of this is that actions taken in the "alternate reality" have consequences in the real reality. For example, when McCain and Palin say Bush "pals around with terrorists" in their alternate reality that means "vote for McCain/Palin." In reality, that is an invitation to TREAT OBAMA AS A TERRORIST, i.e. with violence.

Ann said...

For more on this topic, read Bob Cesca's piece on the Huffington Post: "The End of Larry the Cable Guy." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bob-cesca/the-end-of-larry-the-cabl_b_136977.html

Anonymous said...

The possibility that McCain and Palin may have known the ramifications of saying that Obama "pals around with terrorists" (ignorant hatred, bigotry, violence..etc.) is even more chilling than believing that it was simply a grab for more votes. They must realize the effect words can have??? Some conservatives gripe about liberalism and the Democratic Party, but the most profound difference (aside from politics) that I see between the two parties is that I don't hear many democrats making overtures of violence (beyond tongue in cheek) or expressing extreme racism, religious intolerance, etc. toward political figures. I don't hear the political figures making suggestions that would result in such words or actions either. The environment of intolerance among sections of the GOP and it's following is severe, and the potential fallout from it is chilling to imagine.

I have been following your blog for some time now and deeply appreciate the time invested in finding quality news sources, articles, and entertainment. Thank you! I am going to read the article you suggested now... :)

Ann said...

Thank you for the thoughtful comments, Therese. It is very reassuring - for a long time the comments have been mostly from the right, and not approving!

I have to believe that McCain and Palin are not purposely inciting their supporters to violence. In Palin's case, I think it is ignorance that precludes her from seeing the real reality consequences of her remarks. For McCain, I think that at this point in his life, ambition trumps all. That what he says about Obama - "he'll say anything to get elected" is indeed true about himself as he knows without something big happening he will lose. Bob Herbert wrote a great OpEd piece on this "alternate reality" question in the NY Times called "The Mask Slips." I have a post on it called "Herbert Busts the Alternate Reality" I don't know how to link to it in a comment, but the url of the article is http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/11/opinion/11herbert.html?_r=1&em&oref=slogin

The bottom line of all this for me is that Barack Obama in real reality is A UNITER, not a divider, and he truly cares about others in the way Christians are called to.