Friday, September 26, 2008

Debate Night in America

[Better Debate Night than Football Night - the name CORVALLIS strikes fear and hatred in my heart. FIGHT ON!]

Well, except for the Drudge Report (what a surprise) the post-debate polls all show Obama as having "won" the debate.

The Drudge Report shows McCain won with 66% to Obama's 32%, with 192,559 voters.

The Wall Street Journal poll shows Obama won 60.5% to 33%, with 12, 237 voters.

Michigan Live's poll shows Obama winning 73% to McCains 26% with 30,3059 voters.

Fort Worth Star Telegram shows Obama won 66% to McCain's 34%, with 6209 voters.

CBS news poll of 483 undecided voters showed 39% felt Obama won, 24% McCain won, 37% felt it was a tie.

According to UPI, CNN's online poll drew more than 80,500 votes, 67 % of which went to Obama compared to 28 % for McCain; while a similar NBC survey drew more than 291,000 clicks and gave Obama the win with 51 % compared to 35 % for McCain, while 7.8 % said they weren't sure and 6.3 % called it a draw.

Best of all, a YOU poll with 1205 voters showed 93% felt Obama won the debate.

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