Friday, September 19, 2008

Hillary's OpEd: Blocking Care for Women

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards have an OpEd piece in the NY Times warning of Pres. Bush's proposed rule from the Department of Health and Human Services that would require any health care entity that receives federal financing — whether it’s a physician in private practice, a hospital or a state government — to certify in writing that none of its employees are required to assist in any way with medical services they find objectionable. This is the so-called "Conscience Clause."


"The Bush administration argues that the rule is designed to protect a provider’s conscience. But where are the protections for patients?

The 30-day comment period on the proposed rule runs until Sept. 25. Everyone who believes that women should have full access to medical care should make their voices heard. Basic, quality care for millions of women is at stake."

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